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Swiss Disability Research

Team members

Benjamin Börner

Benjamin Börner

Team leader of the Disability Office at the University of Zurich

Prof. Dr. Walter Boente

Walter Boente

Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Zurich

Prof. Dr. Franziska Felder

Franziska Felder

Professor for Inclusion and Diversity at the University of Zurich

Prof. Dr. Regina Kiener

Regina Kiener

Professor for Constitutional, Administrative and Procedural Law at the University of Zurich

Juliet Manning

Juliet Manning

Research assistant at the University of Zurich

Brian McGowan

Brian McGowan

Co-president and project leader at the and Diversity Officer at the ZHAW

Dr. Olga Meier-Popa

Olga Meier-Popa

Research associate at the Swiss Center for Curative and Special Education

Oriane Pierrès

Oriane Pierrès

Research assistant at the ZHAW and PhD candidate at the university of Zurich


Prof. Dr. Raphael Zahnd

Raphael Zahnd

Head of the Chair of Inclusive Didactics and Heterogeneity at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)